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Skill Laboratory

Our Skill Laboratory

Skill lab 8
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Skill lab 4
Skill lab pic 7
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Skill lab 3
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Skill Lab 1


Skill lab of Yashfeen College of  Nursing:

At Yashfeen College of Nursing, We have one Spacious, state of the Art and fully equipped skill lab. Skill lab of YCN offers a secure learning experience during the pre-clinical years before actual clinical training begins. The skill laboratory at YCN also offers students to develop their practical clinical techniques and be able to correctly examine, diagnose and treat their future patients. Skill lab of Yashfeen college of Nursing equipped with advance mannequins and models serve not only for nursing students training but also for assessment of their clinical competence/OSCE.

Labor Room setting at Yashfeen college of Nursing:

Yashfeen college of Nursing has in campus labor delivery Room which is fully equipped with all models. YCN is an institute to train Lady health visitors, Community Midwives and other nursing students for providing antenatal, natal and postnatal services in the community. This unit offers a secure learning experience during their training. The labor room at YCN has specific new born area.